1. Tekken 3 (608-0) sos: 57
  2. Crash Team Racing (9-1) sos: 655
  3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (8-2) sos: 656
  4. Hogwarts Legacy (6-4) sos: 659
  5. Counter Strike (6-4) sos: 659
  6. Pokemon Red (6-4) sos: 657
  7. Supe Bomberman 3 (6-3) sos: 653
  8. Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (6-4) sos: 652
  9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (6-4) sos: 649
  10. The Remnant (6-4) sos: 51
  11. South Park : Stick of truth (6-4) sos: 43
  12. Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (6-4) sos: 41
  13. S.W.A.T (5-5) sos: 52
  14. Cat Quest (5-5) sos: 51
  15. Pokemon Pinball (5-4) sos: 41
  16. Crash Bash (5-4) sos: 41
  17. Battletoads (5-5) sos: 40
  18. Worms Armageddon (5-5) sos: 39
  19. Quake 3 (4-5) sos: 634
  20. Hogs of War (4-6) sos: 44
  21. Crash Bandicoot 3 (4-5) sos: 42
  22. This War of Mine (4-5) sos: 27
  23. Red Alert (3-6) sos: 20
  24. Donkey Kong Country (2-7) sos: 38
  25. Theme Park (1-8) sos: 33